Host Company Code

As of the 2021 fellowship, each production company which hosts a Multitrack fellow is required to sign on to our host company code, which you can read below.

We expect this code to evolve over future years, as Multitrack and everything we do is a constant work in progress. We are publishing the code on our website for transparency and in the hope that it may provide a useful template for any company which is working to address issues of representation and inclusion within the audio industry.

Training and On-boarding

  1. Will commit all staff and long-term freelancers to inclusion and diversity training regularly, including at least once in the 12 months before the Multitrack fellow starts.

  2. Will onboard all staff and freelancers to Multitrack, its ethos and aims through: an all-staff meeting which a Multitrack representative can attend, all-staff email, internal digital comms, team catch ups, etc

  3. Will ensure senior leadership are engaged with the fellowship and welcome the Fellow with appropriate action such as a personal email or brief introduction.

  4. Will have a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to all discrimination, ableism and bias within office culture. Will take an active stance against microaggressions.

  5. Will ensure the company is building an active response to address concerns around inclusion and accessibility, in addition to taking part in Multitrack, in terms of office culture and impact on the wider audio community, e.g. recruitment practices.

Work/ Office Environment

  1. Will provide the Multitrack fellow with all the tools they need to complete the jobs set for them such as laptop/ access to a computer, office systems, editing software, etc

  2. Will ensure the working/ office environment is comfortable and conducive to working: i.e. desk space, chair, access to natural light.

  3. Will ensure the company meets its legal obligations to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to the working environment if required by the Multitrack fellow. Access requirements can change, e.g. in regards to physical or mental health, and employers should be flexible and responsive to this.

  4. Will ensure Multitrack fellow is able to take a full lunch break, away from their desk each working day.

  5. Will ensure Multitrack fellow is included in all relevant staff comms and mailing lists for the duration of their internship.

  6. Will ensure the Multitrack fellow has a friendly point of contact outside of their line manager to whom they can ask questions, share concerns, etc

  7. Will ensure the fellow is introduced during meetings where they may be shadowing or sitting in.

  8. Will encourage the Multitrack fellow to be part of the social side of workplace culture and will include them in any appropriate group activity, without pressure or fear of repercussions if they aren’t able to attend.

  9. Will ensure effective policies and procedures are in place to monitor staff complaints and respond to them, and ensure the fellow is aware of these systems. This includes but is not limited to formal systems such as HR related policies, but also more informal forums for staff to raise issues/concerns.

Production and Creativity

  1. Will ensure the Multitrack fellow is able to offer ideas and work on projects that sit outside their personal identity.

  2. Will ensure the Multitrack fellow is encouraged to bring their full experience and identity into the workspace. We need to create respectful areas for creative and editorial discussions where people can safely disagree and challenge each other in order to make better work. In practice this means that in creative discussions the Multitrack fellow is heard when offering ideas or feedback, especially when speaking into areas of which they have a personal experience in which the company may be lacking.


  1. Will pay the fellow on time, in line with legal obligation to pay all freelancers and contracted staff on time. Delayed payment, like unpaid internships, is a major barrier to access to the audio industry. 

Multitrack Point of Contact

  1. Host Companies will assign a key company contact for oversight of the fellowship to stay in touch with the Multitrack Host Companies Organiser regarding any issues which might arise during the fellowship

  2. This person will attend Multitrack meetings (approx 4 per year) 

  3. Will provide feedback at the end of the fellowship


Any questions? Contact us.


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